Introduction to Cha Zhi Ji's Green Tea

Cha Zhi Ji green tea is a non-fermented tea made from fresh tea tree shoots using typical processes such as withering, rolling, and drying.

The harvesting of green tea leaves values freshness, with a focus on tender, uniform, fresh, and clean leaves, avoiding yellowing, stems, and old leaves.

After harvesting, the leaves undergo withering, where they are spread out to reduce moisture, making them softer and more suitable for subsequent processing. This step also minimizes the loss of tea juice during frying, preventing the leaves from turning black. Withering also initiates slow biochemical changes that enrich the flavor and aroma. The next step is fixation, where high temperature deactivates enzymes in the leaves, preventing them from turning red or yellow during processing. The leaves are then rolled to break down cell structures and release substances for brewing. Finally, they are dried thoroughly for preservation.

Green tea retains natural substances from the leaves, with over 80% of tea polyphenols and caffeine preserved. It has a unique character of "clear soup and green leaves" with a strong and restrained taste.
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